Well I can now talk about the endeavor I was hoping to undertake. On Monday night I auditioned for a part in the community theatre's next production, which is Twelve Angry Jurors. You may know the movie version, Twelve Angry Men, which starred Henry Fonda, Jack Warden, Lee Cobb, EG Marshal, Jack Klugman and others. I know the director, she's been a friend for over 20 years. I almost didn't go because I knew she wouldn't cast me. I thought I gave a good audition since I have not auditioned for a show for at least 10 years or so. And after I read the first time my hopes started to rise because I really thought I nailed it. There were, however, some really good people.
I wasn't cast. Perhaps if I had gone to the auditions on the second night I would have done better and made the cut. I admit to being disappointed. Although I didn't think I would get cast, seeing some friends talk about being cast on Facebook yesterday and not hearing anything myself just disappointed me. I really wanted to do this show. As the evening wore on I started getting angry because I thought I deserved a courtesy "Sorry" phone call. Well my friend finally called and left a message. I forgot that I had indicated on the audition sheet that if she needed someone to do lights I would be interested in learning this aspect of theatre. And so she was calling to ask me to do lights. I know it's a concession for not casting me but I just want to be a part of this show. Oddly enough, I do enjoy being one of the tech crew so in a day or so I'll be over it.
Besides....the guy she cast as Juror #8 - the good guy - is GORGEOUS. I am so looking forward to watching him perform every night and getting to know him.
So that was the personal thing that's been on my mind. It's a relief to finally know. I'm still disappointed but I'm also happy that I'll still be involved. Yay me.