So here's the update on the health: The ENT was a stoic, older, Korean doctor who has NO sense of humor. He checked my ears, throat, and nose - maybe that's why he's an ENT - and did this light trick with my sinuses. He seemed unaware of the x-rays and CT scan so I have to go back to him after he reviews the reports. When I got home I called my internist's office to verify the information had been sent. I have a followup appointment for next week.
The ophthalmologist was fairly uneventful. My prescription has changed, just as I suspected. I see well enough with my glasses but it had been three years since my last check up. No sign of disease or glaucoma although the lens is starting to yellow with cataracts; the doctor assured me it is due to age. Thanks buddy! It took about 3 or 4 hours for my eyes to recover from being dilated. It always gives me a little headache so I came home and had a couple of cocktails!
Another odd incident today. As I was walking up to the ophthalmologist's office, a bearish black guy was coming out and he smiled and said "How you doing?" I responded, naturally, but it caught me off guard because, well quite frankly, most people aren't that friendly! This coupled with the other stranger on Wednesday has me scratching my head. Is it me? Is it aftereffect of the full moon?
I'm happy it's Friday. I'm thinking about going to a bear/cub event at the Anaheim House of Blues tonight. I normally don't do this kind of thing but I really need to get out and socialize more. I know some guys who are going so I may talk myself into it.
Other than that, no plans for the weekend. What are you all up to? BEHR HUGS!!