Continuing the tattoo Tuesday theme with a slight twist: black and white photography. As per the usual style, some are rather elaborate and some are simple.
It's back to work for me today. I've been off since about Nov 20; and I really enjoyed being home. I shouldn't complain too much; I work the next two weeks in Los Angeles (home base), then a week in SF, then I'm off work for the rest of the year. Life is hard!!
It wasn't easy getting up at 4:30 again, especially after the restless night I had. But I'm up, dressed, fed, and morning chores are done and in a few minutes it's off to work.
I must be in a romantical mood because today's picture just seemed perfect.
I had a really fantastic Saturday and am definitely feeling the effects today. A friend and I went to Pasadena (home of the infamous Rose Parade and Rose Bowl) to shop; he needed to get a present for his brother's birthday.
After shopping and going into a few shops we stopped at a little tea place and had tea and sandwiches. This really surprised me because although I enjoy a nice pot of tea I didn't think he was that type. We had the most adorable waiter, which only added to the fun.
Later we met up at Disneyland; he was in the vicinity for his brother's birthday dinner. While I was waiting I rode a couple of rides at California Adventure; we then strolled over to Disneyland and watched the holiday fireworks show. (I also saw some other friends, which was nice.)
After fireworks my friend and I went to a little place he knows call The Twisted Vine. Basically it's a wine bar. We had a really nice Cabernet (I believe it was a California wine), a tasty Shiraz from Australia, and a mini-meat/cheese platter. Although the wine selection seemed better than our usual wine bar and the food was top notch, it was crowded and noisy, something that I think damages the experience. I'm sure we'll go back though. The bar man called him a cab and I drove home. No worries dear readers; by the time the cab arrived for my friend I'd sobered up. Eating a baguette of bread by myself helped too! There was talk of his going home with me but it just wasn't feasible due to my Sunday responsibilities. Thankfully, he understands duty to family.
It was a very nice day and the perfect way to end my vacation. Back to work tomorrow; I'm not looking forward to that! I hope everyone had a good if not great post-Thanksgiving weekend.
One of the simple pleasures in life is a hot shower. Feeling the water cascade over me is therapeutic for me; especially if I use the massage setting on the showerhead. It can also be sensual and erotic.
Big fluffy towels are also a simple pleasure. Drying off and wrapping one around my waist (if it fits) is one of those weird liberating moments for me. I must have worn a kilt in a previous life. The following bears demonstrate the joys of a fluffy towel. Wrap one around yourself today!
Well I survived another Thanksgiving dinner with my parents and sister. Thankfully we all got along and the food was wonderful. I was disappointed that "Survivor" was a recap show but to be expected since it was a holiday.
I hope everyone enjoyed their day and ate lots and lots! BEHR HUGS!!
I grew my first beard in or around 2000 or 2001 & shaved it off on the recommendation of a friend (I'd lost about 70 pounds at that time) in 2003. I regrew the beard in 2004 and have had it since.
My mother hates it.
This past Sunday my mom suggested that I should shave the sides and just leave the goatee and 'stache. She's not a stupid woman; she knows I'd hate that when I did it and would end up shaving the whole thing off altogether. Her comment was that by shaving the sides I would look younger, that what I have now makes me look older (I don't think so but then again...I am 46 so do I not look 46?). I placated her with a "never thought about it" comment and let it go.
Monday my parents and I went to the movies. As we were walking in I told my mom that I was confused; the young man at the ticket window charged me $5 when I thought it was $6. (Hey a dollar is a dollar!). I figured maybe the sign was wrong. Then I looked at the ticket, which read:
Senior?! I started laughing and showed it to my mom and she said "I told you!"
That's not enough to convince me to alter my facial hair. No one at work says anything about it (and I work in HR) and I like it. I dislike shaving. But I thought it was a funny story worth sharing.
As something different - wacky Wednesday - I thought I'd share some from my non-hirsute files. I often wonder if hot muscular guys like these are the norm...or are they an exception? BEHR HUGS!!