25 November 2009

A Hairy Moment

I grew my first beard in or around 2000 or 2001 & shaved it off on the recommendation of a friend (I'd lost about 70 pounds at that time) in 2003. I regrew the beard in 2004 and have had it since.

My mother hates it.

This past Sunday my mom suggested that I should shave the sides and just leave the goatee and 'stache. She's not a stupid woman; she knows I'd hate that when I did it and would end up shaving the whole thing off altogether. Her comment was that by shaving the sides I would look younger, that what I have now makes me look older (I don't think so but then again...I am 46 so do I not look 46?). I placated her with a "never thought about it" comment and let it go.

Monday my parents and I went to the movies. As we were walking in I told my mom that I was confused; the young man at the ticket window charged me $5 when I thought it was $6. (Hey a dollar is a dollar!). I figured maybe the sign was wrong. Then I looked at the ticket, which read:


Senior?! I started laughing and showed it to my mom and she said "I told you!"

That's not enough to convince me to alter my facial hair. No one at work says anything about it (and I work in HR) and I like it. I dislike shaving. But I thought it was a funny story worth sharing.


Anonymous said...

Mother's don't like anything that would make their children appear older because it makes them seem older.

Kyle Leach said...

Very fun story Mark. Maybe the guy at the counter gave you a senior price not because of you or how you look, but because of your parents being with you. Maybe it was just easier to give you all senior tickets. Have a terrific holiday!

Nik_TheGreek said...

I agree with Kyle. Probably the guy at the counter was two bored to cut two senior and one adult ticket and just cut three SNR tickets. He saved you a dollar... enjoy...

Unknown said...

Maybe it was a way for the ticketguy to hit on you.

Mark in DE said...

I'm sure 46 year olds SEEM like seniors to the 17 year old ticket kid. Your look is your business. Keep your beard if you want. Personally, I really like 'stache/goatee combos, but beards are ncie too.