30 November 2010
Behr Pick: The Mind of a Cub

28 November 2010
Sunday Favorite: 49

27 November 2010
Behr Pick: Plaid Hoodie

26 November 2010
Behr Pick: Red Bear
25 November 2010
Behr Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 1

24 November 2010
Behr Pick: Hump Day Friday

I like this picture, btw. I'm not quite sure what the appeal is but I suppose it has to do with the handsome guy in a jockstrap. In my head, I imagine he's about to bend forward and some other hunky guy is going to start eating his ass. And although I'm not much of a participant in that act, I certainly don't mind watching others engage in it.
So what do YOU think the story is behind this picture? Click the Comment link and let us know.
23 November 2010
Behr Rant: Air Travel
By now, most Americans - and our foreign friends too - have heard the now popular phrase uttered by a San Diego man who recently refused the body scanner and the physical pat down. The homophobic implications are the least of our worries.
Air travel has changed over the years, pretty much like everything has. In this day and post-9/11 age, we all know the inconvenience of air travel: removing our shoes, belts, and all metal objects and hoping that the walk-through scanner doesn't pick up on that pierced nipple or stray piece of chewing gum foil in your pocket. We can no longer carry liquids in our carry-on luggage unless it's only a few ounces. Removing our laptops from their cases. In addition, anything we have is scrutinized and questioned. Here's a personal experience hint: don't take a roll of quarters. It freaks them out.
We were first introduced to the full body scanners in Total Recall, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. Do you think that was a coincidence? We all knew they were coming. It was just a question of technology, development, time, and of course cost. But now they're here and a part of the air travel experience.
But now thanks to this one guy, people are now coming forward with their horror stories of being patted down by TSA and how violated they feel. My mother regaled me with a similar story about having her blouse yanked up while the agent patted her down. While I'm certain that women have a different take on it than I do, I cannot help but scratch my head and ask: if you know metal is going to set off the scanner why the hell did you wear an underwire bra? Yes it's a pain to have to plan one's air travel wardrobe so it is comfortable, stylish, and yet safe enough to pass through security. Thinking ahead and planning will help eliminate problems.
One woman recently complained about the full body scanner. She felt violated because it flooded her with the memory of being sexually molested. Someone could see under "naked" under her clothes. Perhaps I'm being insensitive but...standing fully clothed while ONE person looks is not a violation of your personal being. When I last flew out of the Oakland, CA airport I had the full body scan. Guess what: I did not feel violated. I did not care that anyone could see me naked under my clothes. We're all naked under our clothes, like it or not
I agree that the TSA agents who are conducting the physical pat downs need to be better trained in technique, sensitivity, and demeanor. But a reminder to those of you who insist on being patted down: it's not pleasant for the agent either. Can you imagine having to touch that many people to ensure the safety of all passengers?
And that's what it boils down to, isn't it. Safety. Protection. No one would dream of some freak idiot having an underwear bomb. But it happened. And tighter controls had to be implemented. We no longer live in a safe world. Even domestic air travel can be dangerous. And quite frankly, I would be suspicious of anyone - ANYONE - who refused both the body scan and/or the pat down.
I am of the opinion that - although the scanners are a pain - they do a job. One that is unfortunate but necessary. I don't want to be on a plane that gets hijacked or blown apart because someone had an incendiary device in his/her possession that was overlooked because TSA was lax in doing their job. I think a majority of people would prefer the inconvenience. Is the "perceived" uncomfortableness of a body scan or pat down really not endurable if the alternative means being blown up?
Our world has changed. And it continues to change. We must adapt. We must think of the greater good rather than our own selfish personal idiosyncrasies. The "Me" age is over. You don't want to have the body scan because you're afraid of radiation? Then get patted down. If you don't want that then take the train. Or drive. Or just stay home. Because the rest of us are going to do what is necessary to ensure everyone's safety.
Not to mention it's been a long while since I've been groped. If I have to fly somewhere to get it, then so be it.
20 November 2010
Behr Pick: Sexy Saturday

19 November 2010
Behr Pick: Furry Friday
17 November 2010
Hump Day
16 November 2010
Behr Rant

Now the benefit of being a "loyal" customer is when I walk up they pretty much know what I want. Monday through Thursday it's a venti coffee, Pikes Place. On Friday I go fancy with a triple shot vanilla latte (no foam).
This morning as "Jack" the manager is swiping my gold Starbucks card he mumbles that the price went up. Yes...a venti cup of Starbucks coffee is now $2.15. WHAT THE FUCK? That's a 7.5% increase over yesterday's price. I understand that there are increased costs to running a business and all of that....but come on....that is WAY too much for a cup of coffee.
And do you think maybe it could have been mentioned to the customers that the prices were increasing?
So here's what I plan to do. I plan to use up the remaining funds on my Starbucks card...and then quit Starbucks altogether. Maybe an occasional latte or in the off chance I get to meet someone new (date-like). But this daily thing is going to stop. I'm already saving money since making another life change; this will only help keep more money in my account.
14 November 2010
Sunday Favorite: 48
12 November 2010
11 November 2010
Behr Pick: Kicking Back

10 November 2010
Behr Pick: Kissing

Everyone is agog with last night's Glee episode and "The Kiss." Or rather, kisses, plural. Personally I saw both coming. Maybe I'm a little jaded about television and cinema but I find both fairly predictable. Which is why reality TV is becoming such an overbearing commodity. But I digress. I loved Kurt's expression immediately after because - well in my book - the bully was hot. I also like how Blaine is mentoring Kurt. Maybe he can give him some "butch" lessons. I thought Will's kiss with Bieste was patronizing. But those are my opinions.
I like kissing. It's one of the most intimate acts. And it can mean so many different things by the why it is done: passion, love, friendship, dismissal...I admit it's been a while since I've had a good snog.
On the topic of "first kiss," I cannot say much. I don't remember mine. I do remember the first kiss with S, my ex...there are days when I swear I can still feel it. And that was over 6 years ago. I've been fortunate to have met some really GOOD kissers. Nothing beats an excellent kiss. You know the kind...they start out tentatively then grow in passion...and all the while you're starting to feel things in other parts of your body...heh heh.....yeah you know what I'm talkin' about!!
Here's to kissing...and hoping we all get kissed today.
09 November 2010
Behr Pick: Tuesday Tattoo

08 November 2010
Behr Pick: Blue Monday?

07 November 2010
Sunday Favorite: 47

05 November 2010
Remember Remember
Behr Pick: Jason Woof

04 November 2010
Cool Me Off (NSFW)

03 November 2010
More Followers!
Hump Day

01 November 2010
Welcome, November