10 October 2010

Sunday Favorite: 46

I thought that since today is supposedly an auspicious day - due to to the 10/10/10 date format - that a special picture would be befitting.

This is truly one of my favorite pics from the Internet. I have no idea who the guy is. But the whole composition is stunning. When I first saw it my eye was drawn not to the snake coiled on his head but to his nipple ring. I can feel his concentration - betrayed by the slight grimace on his face - as he tries to not disturb the snake. Being the ever so imaginative pervert I am, I also find eroticism in what we don't see...

May your day be as auspicious as a snake on the head!



Anonymous said...

Well, this is just terrible. Terrible. There's a snake around that tattooed guy's head... and it ain't me.


SteveA said...

I was drawn to his tattoo!