27 June 2010

Sunday Favorite: 37

I want to thank those of you who commented on my post yesterday afternoon regarding my cancelled date. As many of you know, blogging can be a form of therapy, to vocalize if you will, that which is on our minds or in our hearts. I never expected the response I got. Thank you, you all offered wonderful words of support and advice and if I could I'd give each and every one of you the biggest behr hug I could.

This morning I had a message from the guy who cancelled on me. If you remember, I asked why he cancelled. He gave me a long "excuse" about being horny earlier in the week, hooking up with some guy, being disappointed that the guy couldn't maintain an erection and didn't orgasm, feeling the guy was disappointed in him, and not wanting to somehow disappoint me.

What. Ever.

I have yet to formulate a response, if I respond. I may just let it go. I think the worst part of this experience is that I thought we had a connection in terms of what we like (evidently he was talking sex-wise, silly me), and both were looking forward to getting to know each other. I sometimes am naive by believing that guys who have "looking for love" or "looking for friends" interpret those phrases the same way I do. On the upside, it was probably better that we didn't meet now that I understand that his original intentions.

So here we are at Sunday. I have another busy work week but that's good since it helps the days go by more quickly. Today will be the weekly parental unit visit and hopefully a relaxing afternoon. Oh! A word about today's favorite: WOOF.

Enjoy your Sunday, everyone. And again...thanks for being so kind to me.



Vic Mansfield said...

Ugh. Sounds like it's "all about him." Maybe respond by saying. "Oh. Well, let's just have coffee. We'll save dessert for later."

Marc said...

Hmm...sounds like the old idea that a date is "three hours before sex." Oh well, his loss.