31 March 2010
Wednesday Wackiness

Hump Day

29 March 2010
28 March 2010
Sunday Favorite: Palm Sunday

26 March 2010
Behr Bits

Yesterday a friend called me and asked if I wanted to meet for coffee since he was "in my neighborhood." He's recently changed jobs - something miraculous in this recession - and is now working a few blocks from where I work. So we got lattes and sat and caught up. We're going to try to meet for lunch every so often just to keep in touch. It was really nice to see him.
Tonight I'm going to female co-worker's concert. She belongs to a group called Meistersingers. I've been to one of her other concerts and they're really a fantastic group. Tonight's program is Mozart's Requiem and Handel's Dixit Dominae, of which I am not familiar. All the same I'm looking forward to being in a huge marble-lined church listening to two of my favorite composers.
Tomorrow night I'm seeing a friend in "Little Shop of Horrors." He plays Mr. Mushnik and I hear it's really a fantastic production. I've only seen the movie (well both of them) so it'll be interesting to see the live stage version. Other friends have seen the show already and can't say enough about the Trio and how they could easily steal the show. Plus I want to see Audrey II and the puppetry of it.
I'll be heading to SF for work in April; today I finalized the training schedule and booked my flight and hotel. I'm SO looking forward to this trip - not because of the work but because of the opportunity to meet up with old and new friends. It will be a long week: I fly up there on Sunday and fly home Friday afternoon. At that point I officially start my vacation. I was thinking of heading over to Phoenix for a few days, perhaps for Phurfest and to see friends but I'm not so sure I want to do that after being away for a week. I'll have to think about it since the early registration for Phurfest is the middle of next week. Plus - I've never been to a bear event. They scare me, to be honest. I've seen pictures and the men all look so hot. And that intimidates me immensely. (And no, not fishing for compliments here.)
Well that's about all that's going on. What are YOU doing for the weekend?
24 March 2010
The Things We Do

21 March 2010
Sunday Favorite 26

19 March 2010
Behr Bits

So last weekend on my weekly parental visit, I found out my Mom was in a car accident. She was making a left turn, didn't see the other car, and nailed him. Tore up my Dad's car pretty good: the bumper was torn off, the headlight smashed, the tire gouged, and the whole left front panel torn off. She wasn't hurt and neither was the other driver who turned out to be the son of the city's former City Controller and an off-duty police officer. Way to go Mom! If you're going to hit someone do it good. (This is called teasing.)
Have you received your 2010 Census form yet? I did...and as I was taught in elementary school, I read it first before taking my pen to it. I stewed around about it for a couple of days before completing it. No offense to anyone, but please explain why there are five or six "Hispanic" categories and yet my race is relegated to the single word "White," which is not a race, btw. Caucasian is the appropriate and correct term. I'd even accept Anglo. And if there's going to be a breakdown between the various intricacies of a particular race (Mexican, Latino, Spanish, Colombian, Argentinian, etc) why is there not a breakdown of the "white" category (Anglo, Slavic, Eastern European, Western European, etc)? Please take no offense, I'm not racist but I think it's gotten a little out-of-hand trying to specifically categorize everyone but us "white" folk!
We're having a divisional potluck today. I wasn't going to participate because, first off, I don't like potlucks. Had enough of them growing up. Second, I'm not sure I trust the people in my division to prepare something that won't give me botulism or salmonella. There's nothing worse than puking on a Friday unless it's alcohol-related. Third, I don't like preparing something then having to schlep it on the train. Never mind there's no real place to keep things cold or to heat things up. The microwaves five floors down? Uh, don't think so. But I got talked into it because, after all, forced frivolity is one of the political games we must play. I decided to bring a dessert. I baked cookies last night: German Chocolate Pecan and Vanilla Chocolate Chip. I had one of each last night and if I must say so myself, they turned out pretty yummy. So I filled up my biggest tin with both kinds and even had enough left over to give some to my train pal Patty this morning and some for my Mom on Sunday. I also have enough for me to munch on over the weekend.
I'm hoping to go see Tim Burton's "Alice in Wonderland" this weekend. I didn't have time on opening weekend and last weekend we had such gorgeous weather I had to get out and do yard work. So hopefully I'll make the trip down the rabbit hole tonight or tomorrow.
Other than that, not much else is going on. I hope everyone's Friday passes quickly and painlessly and your weekend is slow, fun, and filled with wonderful things.
18 March 2010
Thursday Grrrrr
He's the hottest Latin tech daddy I've ever seen. I so want to kiss him. I'd love to see him shirtless because I suspect he's got a nice thatch of chest fur. I secretly fantasize that his nipples and dick are pierced. Who knows - maybe they are. To add cream to the topping (heh heh - I said cream), he's the most polite guy. He calls me "sir." Very little else can give this behr an instant woody than being called "sir" by a hot masculine Latin papi.
I just saw him working on our copier. I had to come back to my office to hide my interest.
Is there anyone at your place of work - co-worker, technician, delivery guy - for whom you have the hots? Leave a comment and tell us about him. In the meantime, I think I need to stroll back by the busted copier. *SWOON*
16 March 2010
To Warm the Cockles of Your Heart
I Feel the Earth...Move...Under My Feet
14 March 2010
Sunday Favorite 25
12 March 2010
Finally Friday
06 March 2010
Sunday Favorite 24

05 March 2010
Behr Bits

We're gearing up for more rain this weekend. I'm not anticipating it to be as forceful as last weekend (we had thunder and lightening). I'm hoping it'll be a non-event for the most part. I'm supposed to meet some friends Saturday night at Eagle LA. They're both Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in Phoenix visiting for some Sister Zombie Leather shindig thing. But if it's raining I'm not hoofing it over there.
It's been a fairly quiet week. Next week will be busy for me but that will make it go by all the faster. I know one shouldn't wish his life away but this work drudgery is getting to me.
I did my taxes last night. Or rather, I finished doing my taxes. I'm getting money back, both Federal and State, so I will need to decide what to do with money. I'm thinking of replacing some original wood sash windows in my house. I also think I need a new washer and dryer; I bought the set I have from S when he moved (this was post-dating pre-ignoring him) and they're starting to not perform as well as they should. He'd had them for about 10 years I think and I've had them for nearly five. So it's about time.
As you know, the Oscars are Sunday and everywhere you turn someone is sharing his or her predictions. I'm not that vested in the awards this year. I'll be attending my friend's annual Oscar party but it's mostly for the food and socialization. Oh and to see who shows up wearing a hideous gown.
That's about all for now. I need to get back to work. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.
04 March 2010
02 March 2010
FTW: Soundtrack to my Day
This is exciting and BIG, people! Considering the size of the cyber world and the number of bloggers (real and imagined) out there, that our own Howard was nominated was a feat but now that he's an actual WINNER makes it all that more special. Congratulations Howard! You Rock! And Roll! And Pop! And Soul! And R&B! And - - I took it too far, didn't I?
01 March 2010
Behr Bits