02 March 2010

FTW: Soundtrack to my Day

The news just broke over on David Dust about our fellow blogger, Howard (see accompanying picture) and his Bloggie-winning blog, Soundtrack to my Day. If you're not a fan, go visit him and you'll instantly fall in love with this smart, handsome, insightful man and his music wisdom.

This is exciting and BIG, people! Considering the size of the cyber world and the number of bloggers (real and imagined) out there, that our own Howard was nominated was a feat but now that he's an actual WINNER makes it all that more special. Congratulations Howard! You Rock! And Roll! And Pop! And Soul! And R&B! And - - I took it too far, didn't I?



David Dust said...

Seriously - this is just the best news! It's like a little, independent film winning the Best Picture Oscar. Awesome!!!!


Stan said...

Congratulations indeed Howard! That's quite an accomplishment!

Unknown said...

Naw, not too far at all. Thank you so much, dear Behr, I am still recovering from the news.