Just another quick note to say that I'm loving my new job. Sure it's kind of easy right now but consider these facts:
Monday the company provided my lunch because it was my first day and I was in Orientation.
Tuesday my breakfast and lunch were provided because I was in an all day class facilitated by my coworker.
Tonight my dinner was provided by my East Coast boss because he happened to be visiting. He took me to a swanky restaurant in Pasadena (CA) where we shared a bottle of wine, had crab cakes for starter, and I had a petite filet as my entree. Delicious! And he picked up the tab (as he should).
Unfortunately there are no free meals tomorrow. Unless I count the Halloween Happy Hour after work! BEHR HUGS
I survived my first day on the new job! Details will have to wait until I have more time...I'm exhausted! But overall it was a very good day and I learned a lot. It's a fascinating company with a rich, interesting history. I do think I'll be happy there and it'll be a great place to work. BEHR HUGS
One of the nice things about being home has been the freedom to go see movies on a weekday - during the day. Our local independent cinema has a $5 day for all movies all day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's wonderful since I always think movies are usually overpriced elsewhere. And we're talking first run movies! Today I went to see Gone Girl. I'm not a big Ben Affleck fan. Oh sure, he's cute enough and when he sports a beard, I sport a hardon but I don't go out of my way to see his movies because of his involvement. I don't remember how long ago I saw the trailer for this film but it intrigued me. And I adore Rosamund Pike. I finally went to see it today. Don't worry, I won't include any spoilers. Let me say - for those who don't know anything about the movie - it is the story of a man accused of killing his wife. There are, of course, many plot twists and turns and quite a few incredible performances. It falls into the "thriller" genre and it does not disappoint. There are a few "moments" but not the "make the audience jump" moments, but more "make the audience gasp because it didn't see that coming" moments. My only complaint is the Neil Patrick Harris character is just a creepier Barney Stinson. Don't get me wrong, I don't for a moment doubt his character wants the Rosamund Pike character (and there's a brief glimpse of little NPH). But it seemed a bit too close to his HIMYM character, imo. Speaking of glimpses of male genitalia, there's a brief flash of Ben Affleck cock and ass. NICE. I really thought this was a well-paced mystery. Going in I knew there were some twists (I'd heard of one) and yet there were some nice surprises. The supporting actors are very good and believable too. No one recognizable to me, I still need to do an IMDB look to see what other movies some of these people have done. I truly think - and hope - that when award season is upon us that this movie and Rosamund Pike in particular are remembered. If you like thrillers, Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, NPH, or just a good mystery movie, go see Gone Girl. BEHR HUGS
It's official...I will start my new job on October 27. Turns out my new boss won't be in the office when I wanted to start so I get an extra week to relax. Yesterday I went to the lab for my drug screening. I have no worries about the results. The roof tear off went well. Meaning none of the six guys fell through the ceiling! It was a bit disconcerting, a bit more than when I had the foundation retrofitted. Winston cowered under the bed for a good part of the day. Now we're waiting for the city inspector (I guess, the ladder is still leaning against the garage). The crew that did the tear off was able to do it in about 4 hours, including cleanup. They had me open the garage so they could sweep out the debris. I appreciated that.
It dawned on me that some of you may not know that Winston is my cat. I need some advice...I haven't updated my iPhone 5S to iOS 8 yet. Should I? Why or why not? Discuss, please. That's about all for today - BEHR HUGS!
For obvious reasons, this is my Sunday Favorite. In case you don't get it, let me spell it out: B-E-A-R I'm starting to get nervous about the roof tear off tomorrow. I know I've already committed but it seems that once they do begin the work it really will happen. I'm nervous for Winston and how he'll react to the noise. My parents offered for me to take him to their house but that would freak him out too! I'm also starting to get nervous about the new job. It's still a couple weeks away but I'm starting to worry that I won't be as smart as they may expect. Yes I really said that. I've been reading up on organization development just so I can get some terminology under my belt. I don't want to appear inexperienced or uninformed. I also worry Winston will miss me during the day! Silly I know since all he does is sleep anyway. Oh wait...I think all this nervousness was just gas. My bad. BEHR HUGS
I'm happy to report that things are looking up! I've been concerned with the condition of my home's roof and when I was offered the chance for a free inspection/estimate I jumped at the opportunity. I won't lie: the guy who did the inspection was drop dead hot. Bearded, tatted, but more otter than bear. AND NICE. He was completely understanding of my financial situation but he didn't hold back; basically the entire roof needs to come off and be replaced. I'm not surprised, to be honest. He gave me a week or so to think about whether I wanted to move on to the actual estimate. When he came back he gave me a presentation that explained exactly what the new roof would consist of, how they approach the job, the warranties, etc. Oh and the cost. YIKES! But I bit the bullet and signed on the dotted line and the tear-off of the existing roof begins Monday. And for those of you who are wondering, yes I had other companies look at the roof and promise an estimate. Unfortunately, no one followed-up or submitted a written estimate. Besides, the company I am having do the work have a 50-year, transferable warranty. I obviously am having to finance the job. SO that plus the financing for the foundation retrofit I had done in August means I will be a lot more in debt, something that drives me bonkers. The mortgage itself is a necessary evil but I dislike having other obligations. I'm the type who pays off the credit cards every month. So taking on this extra debt - especially with my unemployment - is frightening. My reason for going ahead with the work is that a) I really need to be better about taking care of this home; b) there's talk we here in SoCal will be having El Nino next year. That last part may not happen but I don't want to take my chances. And that brings me to this announcement: I've been offered a job! The company called yesterday to officially make me an offer (I'll get the offer letter today via email, hopefully). I am so excited. I don't want to share too much prematurely but since I've already shared with my folks (and will share with my sister later today) I had to spill the news. I hope to start Oct 20. That's my news and update for now; I'll post more next week while the work is going on and am more comfortable sharing about the job. Things really are looking up! BEHR HUGS