05 December 2010

Sunday Behr Blather

Yes it's me. I know I've been away this past week. My absence was due to a busy work week and feeling over tired. There was little to share and I just stepped back from my usual online presence. It's also that time of year where I fight to keep my inner demons at bay. Thanks to those who inquired after my well-being.

Alright, that aside, onto some bits.

The other evening as I was headed toward the escalator to go to the lowest level in order to catch the subway bound for Union Station, a very cute papi stepped onto the escalator. He started down and glanced up at me and there was a "moment" that our eyes kind of locked. After I made the U-turn to get onto the same down escalator he turned around and looked up past me as if he was looking for someone...then he locked eyes with me. He then turned away and that was that. I know if I had smiled perhaps the "missed connection" would have turned out differently. But since I didn't smile at him he probably assumed that I wasn't interested. But he did check me out. And he was cute.

Another evening on the subway I saw a woman who definitely is a drag queen wannabe. She has short red hair that has blond highlights. It's cut in that style where the bangs on either side of her face are long but the back is shaped short. Plus it looked like she had had Botox injected into her overly done lips; her lip liner was about 10 shades too dark for the lipstick. To top it all off, she either glued caterpillars to her eyelids or her mascara barfed on her eyelashes. There wasn't time to take a picture of her. I was amused.

One more week of work! It should prove to be somewhat easy going as well. On Monday is the divisional holiday party (I work in HR) and on Friday the team holiday party (Training Dept). The other days will be spent finishing curriculum that I will debut in January. Other than that, it should be a quiet and uneventful week.

I tried yesterday to get into the holiday spirit by pulling down all of my Christmas storage tubs from the garage and taking them into the house. In doing so, I popped out my left knee again so of course the tendinitis is back. I set up the fake tree in the living room. I haven't decorated it yet; I think I'll wait and give Winston time to acclimate to its existence again. He's been sitting under it and biting the fake limbs. And probably swallowing the fake needles. To top things off, he's been a real wuss-puss; I swear his picture is under the dictionary definition of "scaredy-cat." He seems to jump at and/or run away from everything these days.

That's about all I have for now. I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. BEHR HUGS


Cubby said...

Awww, sorry about your knee. That sucks. I'm glad you got your decorations down though. Our decorations are up all year round (meaning: we don't decorate for Xmas). But I sure love hearing about all the other bloggers' adventures in decorating, and see pics of the finished product.

Take it easy Mark.

Stan said...

My Dad makes me feel guilty about not decorating on my side of the house but I just couldn't be bothered. I'll probably put the damn candles in the windows but I'll needs some new bulbs. Bah Humbug!
My cat is the same way. Anything out of the ordinary in the house and she gets all spooked and bent out of shape until she gets used to it. She chews on some of my fake plants too but it doesn't seem to bother her.
The haircut you described that so-called woman had what's known as a "bob" cut I think.
Take care.

Mark in DE said...

Its still early; you still have plenty of time to decorate, so don't worry about that. Take care of your knee, my friend.

Wonder Man said...

Sorry about your knee, but maybe that papi will show up again

Rick said...

You're ahead of me. I haven't even hung a wreath on the door yet. I blend in well with all my Jewish neighbors. I thought of going to get a tree yesterday but just sacked out watching football all day.
You have a blast on the public transportation it seems. I don't think it would be the same here in H town.
Don't make a fool of yourself at the office parties this week and take care of your knee.