29 June 2009

Two Down

News of Fred Travalena's death has hit the Internet. The impressionist was 66 and headlined in Las Vegas. Known as the "Man of a Thousand Voices," Travalena's career began in 1971 and he had impersonated presidents, actors, and singers. No details as to the cause of death.

With the news yesterday of Billy Mays' death, we now await number 3.


Dvorkian said...

Count again my lovely bear brother:
1. Ed McMahon
2. Farrah Fawcett-Majors
3. Michael Jackson
4. Billy Mays
5. Fred Travelena


behrmark said...

These things happen in threes so Billy and Fred are the first two of the next set of three...I had not forgotten Ed, Farrah, and Michael.

Unknown said...

Wow, what an odd run of mortality.