28 December 2011

Behr Movie: War Horse

This morning my Dad and I saw the movie War Horse, which had opened locally on Christmas Day.

For those unfamiliar, this all began as a book, which was then rewritten into the Tony Award-winning play of the same name. In the play, life size horse puppets were used, making the story come alive without use of real horses.

Steven Spielberg made this movie, based on the play, substituting live horses for the puppets.

WARNING: Possible spoiler alert!

 The film is about a young lad who trains a horse that is eventually commandeered by the military at the dawn of WWI. Through a set of circumstances, the horse is reunited with the lad and they both return safely from the war. 

The cinematography is absolutely gorgeous. The lushness of the English countryside in the beginning of the film and the beautiful orange sky of the ending both complement the grayness of the war. I have no doubt that this is not an accident. Spielberg sends a message about the harshness and sacrifice of war not only in words but in images.

Like most Spielberg movies, I found myself crying toward the end. I knew I would and was prepared with a handkerchief. I thought I might be able to get through to the end but when horse and lad are reunited...waterworks. I'm not ashamed to say that yes: the Behr is a sentimental old fool who cries at the movies. If I'm not moved, Spielberg didn't do his job.

I anticipate it being on the short list of Academy Award Best Picture nominees; it's inevitable, in my opinion, as it has already garnered a Golden Globe Best Picture nomination. And while it is a wonderful picture, I look forward to the day I can see the stage production with the puppets.

After the movie we went to lunch, which was delicious. It was a wonderful morning/early afternoon with my Dad.



Stan said...

Just watching the previews I know I would cry like a baby too. Enjoy your time with your Dad time waits for no one.

Wonder Man said...

glad you and Dad had a great day

Cubderek said...

Love this side of you

Rick said...

Sounds like a good outing. I wish my father could hear better and I'd take him.
I get emotional too at movies. That's why I go or used to go so often by myself. I was boo hooing at The Artist a couple weeks ago.