27 July 2013

Report from Behr's Lair

I'm back from my first trip to the Bay area...only home for the weekend as I fly out again on Monday. Friends have asked why I didn't stay the weekend...I suppose I could have but that would have involved 4 additional nights of a hotel and I can't afford that. My company certainly wouldn't pay for it. So evidently I'm missing Dore Alley by being home. (Sorry, Bear!)

I had a fairly good trip although it wasn't without drama. To start with, I arrived at the airport last Tuesday with plenty of time to check in and lounge before my flight at 3:30. Unfortunately my flight was delayed 2 hours. It seems that a plane that was supposed to arrive the evening before (from Chicago?) was rotated out of service because of mechanical issues. Rather than finding a plane to replace that flight, the airline decided to move planes around and switch things up so it affected THE ENTIRE DAY'S SCHEDULED FLIGHTS. Every single flight was delayed or impacted. Makes one wonder what the hell they were thinking. So I arrived at my destination airport not at 4:45 but 6:45. By the time I got to the hotel it was going on 8pm. And aside from the nibble on the plane my previous meal had been at 1pm.

If it sounds like I'm complaining, I'm not. The airline issued me a $50 credit that I can use any time during the coming year. I guess I cannot complain.

The work part was status quo. I say something five times and the participants still get it wrong. *sigh* They made the same mistakes over and over. So I did what I could. On my last day I left with plenty of time to get to the airport and catch my flight. Unfortunately, due to an unforeseen delay on the BART and AirBART, I made my flight with minutes to spare. Fat man can run!

At least I know what to expect next week AND to ask for a ride to the airport rather than trying to make it via bus/BART. And I'll print my damn boarding pass out first!

Today (Saturday) I've done laundry, made a quick trip to the market for eggs and bread, and watched movies. I decided to not overdo or stress myself about other things. I need the rest.

So that's what's happening in my neck of the woods.



Rick said...

Not to "over do" is one of my favorite weekend pass times.

Stan said...

Have a safe and hopefully on time trip back.