A big "thank you" to my friends Christopher (pictured with moi), Michael, Rick, Paul, and Topher for making my birthday extra special at Disneyland Resort! And a huge "thank you" to all the well wishers who left comments on other sites and sent text messages! I feel so loved!! BEHR HUGS TO ALL!!
23 April 2009
Here's my early birthday present from David Dust. Thank You David! I'm your ever faithful Dustbunny Behrmark! HUGS!
So tonight I was chatting with a guy I've known online for a while and it turns out we share the same birthday! He may be younger than me by a year but way more of a daddy!
Okay so how stupid was it to start a blog then disappear? I was in SF this past week for work. Tough assignment! I didn't have a lot of time to explore the city but I did meet up with a chat buddy one evening. We had a nice dinner at Firewood Cafe in the Castro and bar hopped through the Castro and south of Market. I'm no connoisseur of bars but I really liked Hole in the Wall. Great decor, kickass music, smokin' hot bartender, and just a nice relaxed atmosphere. Of course, that's also the bar in which my chat bud and I had a major make out session [blush]. We also hit Lone Star, Edge, 440, and a few others. Oh and we had the greatest latina lesbian taxi driver from the Castro to South of Market! She rocked! I find the people in the Bay area (SF, Oakland, Alameda) to be tremendously nice and friendly. If my job weren't in the Los Angeles area I'd consider moving up there. The BART and Muni systems are so efficient, as is also the bus lines.
So that's where I've been for the past week or so. It was a good trip, productive work-wise, and in the friendship department, probably the most memorable time I've had on a business trip. Thanks MGQ for making that so.
I've had such fun reading blogs such as Joe My God and David Dust that I thought I'd add to the Internet noise with my own musings and ramblings. Most of what I will blog about will be silly kind of stuff, some of it just my take on what's going on in the world and I may add a picture every so often of an attractive person of the male gender. So? Are you ready? Alright! Let's go!