I'm back from my trip to the San Francisco area. As I mentioned previously, the work part was rough. Thankfully I've been doing this long enough to know how to quickly modify my approach to ensure that the participants get maximum benefit. The last two days of training went well. I met some new colleagues, which is always nice, and reacquainted with others, which is always nicer.
On Wednesday, my second day of training, I went back to the hotel and took a nap. I woke up just about 7pm. I threw on some clothes and walked over to Sutter/Market and picked up a burrito bowl from Chipotle. I took it back to the hotel where I ate and enjoyed "Survivor." It was nice to just stay in.
On Thursday evening, I walked over to the theater where Bear works. I had mentioned to him that I wanted to see the Helena Bonham Carter movie Toast but it had already been taken off the schedule. He told me that the film was sent back but they still had a digital copy. So after all of the patrons left and his coworker, he played the film for me. He had work to do (paperwork and such) so he didn't get to watch the film with me. He still had a couple of quick things to do after the film was over and then we walked over to Mel's Diner on Polk St. where we decided to just keep going to - you guessed it - Grubstake. This made my third time eating there during this trip. I'm usually lucky to get there once! We both had tuna melts that really hit the spot since we were both hungry. After Grubstake we caught a cab to my hotel.
We cuddled for a while while talking until I started passing out on him and we went to bed. Because I live alone, I often have a difficult time sleeping with another body in the bed. Bear is one of the few with whom I can share a bed and still sleep. I did wake up early but went back to sleep. I finally got up - I forget what time - and took a shower and got dressed. I had packed the previous night before meeting up with Bear at the movie theater.
I eventually made some noise that woke Bear up and he asked what time it was. Since it was almost 9 am he got up and dressed and off we went to breakfast. I didn't have a class on Friday morning so Bear and I talked about going to his favorite breakfast place. I didn't need to be in Walnut Creek until 1pm for my last class. We caught BART to the 24th St exit in the Mission. And just let me tell you I love the Mission; it reminds me a lot of East Los Angeles and yet it's got it's own SF vibe. We swung by an ATM - Bear insisted on buying breakfast - and we went to Boogaloos. Being who he is, Bear didn't need to look at the menu so I made him order for me. You know I trust him if I let him order my breakfast! So he ordered each of us the Boogaloo Classic and substituted a Temple o'Spuds for the home fries. It's a pile of home fries topped with cheese, salsa, sour cream, and green onions. YUMMY! And the biscuit in vegan gravy was delicious. To drink, we had coffee, water, and a mimosa. Bear asked if I wanted one and he later told me he could see me debating then I decided "what the hell?" It was delicious!
After breakfast we walked back to BART and he left me at Civic Center and I continued on to Montgomery St. I hated saying goodbye to him. I got back to the hotel, finished getting my stuff together and checked out and headed to Walnut Creek. The rest of the trip was uneventful.
I was very happy to spend so much time with the Bear. It was great to see him. I unfortunately opted to not follow through with seeing other friends because I much preferred Bear's company.
Now I'm home here in So Cal and it's cold and raining. I had to finally clean the heater and light the pilot light yesterday. Winston has stuck close, probably because he's happy I'm home and because it's cold. In a bit I'm off to visit the parents as usual.
I hope everyone is staying warm and dry. BEHR HUGS
Thanks for making so much time for me on your visit! I'm so glad we're friends! HUGS
Good to hear your time with Bear was well spent and your trip ended well. It's cool, crisp and post card perfect autumn weather here in the Northeast finally what we deserve.
I'll bet Winston was glad to see you come home.
Glad this was a good trip for you
Glad you made it home sfaely. Yes I heard about the cold temps and snow in the LA area. Might as well since there's earth quakes in OK.
So how was the movie with HBC? I just can't get to the movies like I once did.
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